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Faustine Noël the top French parabadminton player is the first disabled athlete supported by Natixis Tradex Solutions

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NATIXIS TRADEX SOLUTIONS (“NTEX”) is a financial markets specialist and an entity of Natixis Investment Managers. It is an outsourced intermediation service desk that offers bespoke order intermediation services on all asset classes (equities, fixed income, derivatives, foreign exchange, ETF, OTC, complex products, etc.) and Securities Lending program. NTEX works on behalf of clients in banking/insurance and asset management.

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Natixis TradEx Solutions : An actor committed to parasport

Since the end of 2020, Natixis TradEx Solutions has decided to commit to Handisport through a sponsorship that promotes sport as a vector of social ties and promotes sport for all. This commitment is also part of Natixis' Premium Partnership for the 2024 Paris Games and the French Olympic and Paralympic Team.
Natixis TradEx Solutions is proud to support Faustine Noël, the top French parabadminton player, and ranked second worldwide in mixed doubles, fifth in double play and sixth in the single-ladies category.

Faustine has just been selected for Tokyo. The competition will run from August 24 to September 5 ,2021 and will features 3 events for Faustine : mixed, women's Doubles and single lady SL4.
She’s also the first disabled athlete supported by Natixis Tradex Solutions, a subsidiary of Natixis Investment Managers. This long-term commitment aims to support her in her dual sports and professional project.


Some exchanges with Faustine Noël, a passionate athlete!

What is your background and why did you choose the parabadminton? What is your track record?

“ I discovered badminton at the age of 10 thanks to my parents. I immediately hooked up with this complete sport: technique, tactic, mental and physical. It was only ten years after I discovered its parasport version, which propelled me into high-level practice and international podiums. The high-level crossing is done gradually but quickly because I arrived the year of the announcement of entry to the Paralympic Games of Badminton… I had four years to relearn the right basics of my sport, acquire intensive practice and perform.»
Since my entry as a parabadist, I have obtained 17 titles of champion of France, 1 silver medal in World Championship (Simple dame), 2 titles of champion of Europe (mixed double) and vice-champion of Europe (simple dame).”

How are your weeks organized?

“I have around 20 hours of training per week, including 4 hours dedicated to physical preparation. Added to this are a kinesitherapy session and recovery/stretching times.
I do a mental preparation session systematically between each competition, and a few extra sessions if I feel the need.
I am studying kinesitherapie in parallel. I’m doubling my years to combine sports and studies.
There is no typical day because I schedule each week according to my sports needs and the schedule given by the school. It requires a lot of organization, and a lot of adaptability. “

What is your feeling after learning your qualification to Tokyo?

“The Games qualification took place in 12 international tournaments spread over just over a year. We were with my mixed double partner already in the first 3 world pairs, So we had to manage the pressure to maintain our level to ensure qualification. As a double lady, after a good start in qualifying, we achieved some underperformances, the end of qualifying was more stressful, but we managed to hold on and also get our ticket, great relief.
I had quickly gained valuable points on the qualifying rankings, which allowed me to gradually make my way to Tokyo, but the work was quickly shifting qualification goals to medal goals.”

A word to conclude?

“I have Tokyo in mind for the moment, but I also have a look at Paris 2024.
I am always attentive to my emotions and needs, to be sure to manage all my projects with passion and efficiency!”

photo Faustine



According to Marie-Laure Faller (CEO of Natixis TradEx Solutions) « We will all lend our support to Faustine.  Promoting disability sport is fundamental to changing the way we think about disability and we fully share its values: team spirit, performance, fighting spirit and solidarity."

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